
Not President-Elect Terrence Paquet

Now that the proverbial dust has settled from the recent U.S. elections and Barack Obama has won the coveted prize, I have a bit more time to reflect on my own failed efforts to become the President of the United States. 

In hindsight, I guess there were many things I would have done differently; not the least of which is wear pants for the ENTIRE campaign and not just those moments when I felt the chilly outdoor temperatures would compromise the integrity of my "running mate".

I suppose the fact that I'm Canadian was a problem for some voters, but if an African -American can hold office, why not me, a crack-addicted, pop-tart-eating, welfare recipient hiding in the basement of ammunition store wearing a plastic Woody Woodpecker puppet on his privates and a cardboard Burger King crown on his head? Perhaps I overestimated the appeal of retro-marionettes and cutting-edge style in both the red and blue states.

Looking back, I also think I should have spoke English to potential voters. Maybe they would have understood what I was trying to say.  However, in my defense, I thought Aramaic would have appealed to all those religious folks that paid 10 bucks to see the Passion of the Christ.  Boy, was I ever D'+aLeM!

Finally, my campaign slogan could have used the skills of a good writer too. Apparently "Hopefully, I'll be able to" just doesn't have the same magic as Yes We Can. 

Live and learn I say.


Glaswegian-Pam said...

and the fun just continues :-) What flavour of pop tart?!

Terrence Paquet said...

All flavors... except the lesser known ones like Tainted Oyster, Toe Jam and Crack-flavored Pop Tarts.