
An apology to Herve Villechaize

Dear Herve,

In a previous post, I asked you if you would be interested in working for me as I travel the around the world promoting my book. I have just been informed by someone in my entourage that you are no longer breathing. As you can well imagine, this puts a serious crimp in my plans. 

Just the same, I would like to apologize to you for the inconvenience my post and the comments within may have caused. 

On a related note, I was wondering if I could have my shoe coupon and Verne Troyer growth chart back, since you have no need for either. 

I was also wondering if you could supply me with any memorabilia from your Fantasy Island days that I could sell on EBay to support me in my quest to become an international has-been.

If you could autograph it, even better, as that would increase the value, earn me a bit more money and buy me a little more time to keep this dream alive.

Let me know soon.


Terrence Paquet

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