
Employee rules

1. Employees must wash hands before returning to work. 
2. Employees must look clean and presentable at all times. 
3. It is forbidden to smoke in the washroom area. Masturbating is not a good idea either.
4. It is forbidden for employees to remove clothes and shower in the sink. 
5. It is forbidden to do laundry in the sink or toilet area. 
6. Hanging wet undergarments in the stalls is also not allowed. 
7. It is forbidden to wear a hockey mask, hide in a stall and 'surprise' the customers when they walk in. (This means you Bill)
8. No matter how funny it may be, it is forbidden to cover the toilet seats with cooking grease and film the customers as they slip onto the floor. Okay, maybe we'll let this one slide.
9. It is forbidden to wash bloody utensils in the sink.
10. Stabbing, spitting on, intimidating and/or petting the customers not allowed. 
11. Washing vegetables in the toilets? Don't even think about it.
12. Speaking in tongue not allowed.
13. Speaking in French is okay.
14. Wrapping yourself up in toilet paper and pretending to be the Michelin Man is forbidden.
15. Asking customers if they did number one or two is forbidden. Not your business.
16. Asking customers if they would "like a doggie bag for that", not allowed.
17. It is forbidden to write messages on mirror with blood.
18. It is forbidden to lick mirrors. Toilets too. Customers okay.

Thank you for your cooperation. 

The Management

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